LX006 How to enable colleagues to master MS Teams


„My Purpose as a digital influencer … is to use all available technology to leverage engagement and influence people on the new ways of learning and the new ways of working, while increasing also the communication speed and transparency among team members“

The Digital Influencer Francisco Mello actively helps others to master MS Teams. He started these activities in his previous job. Later he also started intensively sharing his insights on LinkedIn. Over the course of 2 years, he was able to reach more than 18.000 followers with his posts.

In this episode Francisco explains how he started this initiative as a grass root initiative. He explains how he had set up and grew over time a MS Teams “self-help” community. The community grew to 3500 users and became highly active. We talk about his approach to train colleagues on how to use MS Teams and more effective ways of working. During the pandemic, he was able to reach 1500 employees in one-on-one training sessions. As he was so active to promote the right use of MS Teams, colleagues started calling him Mr Teams.

„Many times, I was learning even more than teaching. When you are teaching somebody, you learn a lot“

Favorite Quotes

Problems exist to be solved

Because it’s a mindset, it’s not only a quote.

The secret of change is to focus all your energy, not on fighting the old, but on building the new!



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